News & Blog Posts

A very Good Morning to you all!

A few weeks ago I thought I would be sitting on a warm sunny beach in Mexico on this Saturday morning, instead I write to you from my sunny dining room in Paris, Ontario!!  The sun still feels lovely on my face even though I cannot hear the waves ☺

Until we know with certainty when the shift back to "normal" will be, I am excitedly starting the process for online lessons.  I have been watching my online music teacher colleagues from other parts of Canada and around the world, successfully make the switch to virtual teaching and have garnered all sorts of amazing and fun ideas!  My Music Staff, the online software program that I use, has also been working very hard to help teachers and families make the transition go smoothly.  

Over the next few days I will be sending out all of the information to hopefully answer questions and give you directions on how to set things up on your end.....and it is NOT hard!!!  I will also be posting the information on the parent/student portal.  We can even do some test runs so that we are all good to go starting  Saturday, March 28th.  

I am looking forward to reconnecting with all my students again.  This house/studio is far too quiet!!!!

Until then, drink lots of water, cut back on sugar intake, get outside for  immune boosting Vitamin D and fresh air AND MAKE MUSIC!!!!!

Very Warm Regards

Sylvia ♥ ♫♪


Friday, August 14, 2020 by Sylvia Kelly | Uncategorized

☺☺☺ A BIG HELLO to all of my Studio Families and my lovely Students!!!! ☺☺☺

I truly hope you are all enjoying the weather we have been having this Summer!  It has been unbelievable!

I wanted you to know that I have not forgotten about you!  Now that the news about schools has been released, I am feeling confident in how to move forward to prepare for the return to lessons next month.  I will be sharing all of this information with you VERY SOON!

If you should head over to the website, you may notice it is looking a wee bit bare.  Updates are in the works, but your Parent/Student portal will look exactly the same.  If you missed the email regarding the SUMMER INCENTIVES, and you still want to participate (still LOTS of time), you can also download it from the RESOURCES page found on the website.  Work hard for your SWEET REWARD!

Brady and I are heading up north for his week of holidays tomorrow, so if you should email, response time may be a bit longer than usual.  

Enjoy the Sunshine!  Look forward to seeing you all very soon.

A FAVOUR:  IF  your kiddo is NOT, or you (Adult students) are NOT going to continue in the Fall with lessons, PLEASE let me know sooner rather than later.  

Very Warm Regards,

♥Miss Sylvia♥ ♬♪♩♫